Privacy Policy

Nawalsoft, offers among its platform solutions Apps and Web applications including but not limited to Taras App.

In our platforms, we respect and protect the privacy of our customers and those who use our website, apps, products and service sites. In this privacy statement we provide details on how we collect and use your personal information, which will be used solely for establishing the business and legal relationship purposes.

The Personal Information that Nawalsoft may collect and process is data as:

Full name
Place and date of birth
Civil status
Related information if you have kids (how many) or not
Work and personal email
Personal sensitive information:

Home address and work
Home phone, work and cell
Preferred way of contact
Information about how the person found out about our services
RFC, DUNS, any fiscal o business code etc
Trade name and Business name.
Number of bank accounts
Financial information
Information obtained based on our platform whose purpose is the service of this solution and statistics. And which Nawalsoft can not make any other use:

Names of our customers’ customers
Mail accounts of our clients
This privacy statement applies to the website Nawalsoft, and related apps, products and services,, and other sites operated by Nawalsoft or property (hereinafter called the “Sites”).

Summary Statement
In the following summary we mention the key concepts of the full Privacy Statement of Nawalsoft. If you have any questions, click on the links to view the full text below.

Collection of information and the use we give it it We get the information you provide to us on the Sites, including the activity of our sites we collect through log files. We also may obtain information about you that we collect from other sources (such as seminars and, with your permission, of social networking sites third).

Often we use this information to provide the products and services required to fit the presentation of the sites or the products and services to you, to make easy your movement through the sites or the use of our products and services to improve products and services as well, and to do a good job by the time we commercialize or in case we need to communicate with you.

We may monitor or record telephone communications to keep them for quality control, to train our employees and for our own protection.

We recognize your property rights over the lists of contacts, content and phone numbers. We never rent or sell this information without your permission, and never use it for any other purpose other than to provide and improve our products and services, or as it is described in this privacy statement.

Security and privacy
We apply reasonable technical, administrative and physical safeguards to protect the confidentiality and security of your personal information. We use recognized industry technical safeguards such as firewalls, and we have adopted and implemented security procedures to protect your information from all kinds of loss, misuse or unauthorized modification.

When we collect financial account information, such as credit card numbers, we protect your transfer by using some kind of encryption protocol such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Regardless of our efforts, we can not guarantee absolute protection of this information because of its open nature and resulting instability of the Internet and the World Wide Web. Also, we do not make any representation or warranty as to the effectiveness of our security and do not assume any responsibility for safety violations or security flaws that occur in their computers, your service provider Internet or other networks and communication providers.

Excuding Choice/ option
You always have the opportunity to exclude or change preferences in our emails nontransactional, to do this, you must enter the link located at the bottom of our emails non-transactional or send an email to

Communications and Transfers of personal data
As part of its own business operations, and to fulfill the purposes described, Nawalsoft can share with third parties, domestic or foreign, some or all of your personal data. These third parties may be affiliated companies or subsidiaries of Nawalsoft, external professional advisers and / or other service providers to act as responsible behalf Nawalsoft only.

Nawalsoft shall not assign, sell or transfer your personal data to third parties unrelated Nawalsoft without your prior consent. However, Nawalsoft may transfer your personal data in cases stated in the Article 37 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals. Some of our sites include links to third party websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of third party or our customers at these sites.

Access to personal information
You can update your Nawalsoft account information by logging into your account. If you want to suspend or cancel your Nawalsoft account or obtain additional information about your personal data, or access to it, you can contact the customer service of Nawalsoft.

We will keep and use your information as long as the account is active or as long as needed to provide the services and comply with legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce our agreements.

Refer this item to a friend
If you choose to use our referral service to tell a friend about our Sites or products and services, we will automatically send your friend a one-time email to invite / to visit our website.

International Use
Our servers are located in the United States and you accept and expressly recognize that the personal information stored or processed in the United States is subject to the laws of the United States.

Customer Rights
You, as owner of personal data, may exercise before the Committee on Data Protection marketer, via email (, rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition regarding the processing of your personal data. You can also revoke at any time, the consent granted and necessary for the processing of personal data.

As a reference, we described the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition:

Through your right of access, you may request to be informed on what kind of personal data is being treated by Nawalsoft, the origin of such data and the communications that have been made with them.

By virtue of the right of rectification you can request the correction of all your personal data that is incorrect or incomplete and held by the hands of Nawalsoft.

You will have the obligation to inform Nawalsoft when a change or correction in your personal data should be done, and this is just on your knowledge.

When your personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, you are free to request that they be canceled, if it is still preserved in the Nawalsoft database.

The cancellation process will be preceded by a period of blockade in which only your data will be stored for a time equal to the period of limitation of actions that gave rise to the processing of personal data or the period which by law is established. Except for the cases where personal data can not be canceled by operation of law.

You may object to the processing of personal data when there is a legitimate cause for it, even having previously expressed their consent to such treatment.

The application of such rights that have to do with ARCO will be taken care of within a maximum period of 48 hours in working days and we will inform you about the origin of it, via email.

All actions related to exercise the ARCO rights and privacy should be sent by email to You will receive a response to these within a period not exceeding 15 days.

In order to keep your data safe Nawalsoft establishes access mechanisms and confidentiality policies among our employees. Similar as in our access and our emails found clauses and means to express their refusal to receive information about our services or press comincations by Nawalsoft.

Sharing information
We will never sell or rent your personal information to third parties for any kind of use without your consent. We may share your contact and other information with our partners for limited purposes, with certain third parties (which can only use the information for the purposes it was provided for), with courts, agencies of law enforcement and other relevant third parties, or our buyers, if they ever acquire our company.

We use cookies and other technologies to keep track of your online interaction with our Sites. The information collected through the use of a cookie is not linked to any personally identifiable information, except that it becomes test client or payment.

Online advertising
We use pixels, or transparent GIF files, to help manage online advertising with certain partners.

Information Collect and the use we give it
Exclusive owners of the information collected on the Sites, except contact lists and content that give us regarding the use of our products and services (such as logo or virtual information store). We collect information only if it is necessary to acomplish the objectives set out in this privacy statement and we will not sell, share, or rent this information to others in any other way than the reported here. We may collect information about you, provided by yourself during any process of voluntary or compulsory registration made on our Sites (for example, sign up to receive emails from us or subscribe to evaluate our products or services) or when you call or send us an email (for support or any other assistance). If you signed up to receive future mailing lists and want to be excluded and stop receiving them, you can do so at any time (see the “Choice / Opt Out” section below).

We can use this information to provide the information, products and services required to fit to you the presentation of our sites or our products and services to facilitate your movement through the sites or use of our products and services, improve products and services, and to do a good job by the time of commercializing them or to communicate with us.

Our sites also offer opportunities to buy some of our products and services. The payment information you provide us (in our sites or otherwise), including credit card data, will only be used to facilitate payment for such products and services.

You expressly agree and acknowledge that we can obtain additional information about you that we collect from other sources, including information provided in seminars or our partners, information made available publicly or information that you agree to receive from third parties.

With your consent, we can also access information from social networking sites of third parties (hereinafter, the “SNS”). The information that you allows us to access varies regarding the SNS and is affected by the privacy settings established in the SNS. When you allow the SNS to share information with us, the SNS can know that we are linked by a relationship. You can control and learn more about the privacy settings on SNS applicable. We may use this information to provide our products and services, to improve our products and services, and to do a better job by the time of commercialze them, or to contact us. We also track activity on our sites through the use of log files stored on our web servers. We collect information including your IP address, type and version of browser, geographical location, pages you visit, how to access our sites and links that you click to leave our sites, and any type of device or method of communication use to interact with the Sites. We also collect following information on the general use of the Sites and products and services, including displays counting of the pages, we also make a click counting list by activity and we also count the number of messages sent using our products or services. We may use this information to help us to provide a personalized experience to assist you with technical support, also to diagnose problems with our servers, or in relation to the safety program to manage our sites, to improve products and services and to make a better job by the time of commercializing them, or to fit our range of products and services for you. We may monitor or record telephone communications to keep a quality control, to train our employees and for our own protection.

We also may get the information you provide related to the use of our products or services, such as contact lists (including email addresses and telephone numbers of subscribers) and content (including information from the online store). We recognize their property rights on these contact lists and content. We will never sell or rent your contact lists or content to anyone without your permission, we won´t use contact lists or content for any purpose other than to provide or improve our products and services, or as described herein.

If you offer to sell your products and services to your subscribers and others with several coupons or promotional offers (referred to, individually, the “Offer”), you agree that the content relating to any offer is non-confidential for all purposes and we can put the offer publicly available in any of our sites.

We collect information provided by you in our public forums, including the Nawalsoft community. Your post can remain in force after suspending or canceling your account. We consider them as public and non-confidential contributions made in our public communities; such data shall not be considered proprietary information or personal information covered by this privacy statement.

To request the removal of personal information from our blog or community forum, contact us at In some cases, we will not be able to delete your personal information, in those cases we will inform you that we could not do it and why.

If we decide to change this privacy statement in any way, we will notify you by this way and by email or by a notice in our Nawalsoft website. If major changes are implemented in relation to how to use personally identifiable information, we will send a notice in advance. In any case, continuous use of the Site or the products and services represents a consideration and binding acceptance of such changes.